I had a really nice day, but then I started dinner. It was just leftovers like Taco Soup, so no problem, right?
I open the fridge. I reach for the Taco Soup container. It seems stuck. I yank on it... and the tall plastic container of ORANGE JUICE that is right NEXT to it, slips off of the shelf, lands at my feet, and forms a GEYSER of OJ straight up into my face and all over my clothes. Great. JUST GREAT.
Still, I can cope with spilled geyser-like OJ. It's not a big deal. I mop it up, fix dinner, relax for a few minutes.
Time comes for my 7-year-old to get ready for bed. I go up and start his shower. SOMEHOW, I do not REMOVE my head from the shower BEFORE the water comes on FULL BLAST.
Yep, you guessed it. I am drenched again. Oh, and did I mention that it's like 20' outside and feels pretty cold inside our drafty 100-year-old house as well? Didn't I mention that? Oh. BRRRR!
But, still. Clothes dry.
So, the kids are all set and I sit down to read my favorite blogs and their updates. I note Speedy has updated. He seems to think the WRONG team is going to win the Super Bowl, so he challenges the blogosphere to a bet. I accept. OF COURSE. I LOVE the Steelers, after all!
But, now I am wondering... was tonight the BEST night to accept a BET? I do not have such a great track record so far! Now I am nervous! OH-OH!
New Dyson vacuum, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
1) You keep me from picking up socks and mittens with your super smart hose feature. 2) You are beautiful! 3) You maneuver under my furniture with ease. 4) You make me smile when I clean. 5) You only cost me $211 at Target.
Now, IF ONLY you would bring me flowers (and Tim Tams!) on Valentine's Day and pick up dirty clothes off of the floor and do back massage!
Evidently, eating Tim Tams like they are going out of style all weekend is a surefire way to lose 2 pounds! If you look at my sidebar, you'll see my weight loss ticker and how close I am to my next goal weight! WOO HOO!
I wish I'd known about this diet sooner! I need to go back to Target to stock up since we are expecting to be snowed in for the next few days. Who knows how much weight I would gain back without TIM TAMS at hand? I'm down to only 2 bags and getting nervous about the low supply!
Now, this diet MAY have been helped along by the crazy busy weekend we had and all the work that got done around the house, but I'm sticking to my TIM TAM theory! They were my reward for getting work done, after all! :)
Finally, a GUILT-FREE chocolate! :) Bring on the Tim Tams!
It was last Friday and we decided to go sledding. Never mind that it was 10 degrees outside! We are tough Moutaineers! :) In my opinion, there is only ONE hill to go down around here. The Hill of Death. :) It is just across the road from the ski slopes. You are getting the picture, I am sure! I remember going there as a teenager and it was so much fun! Now we live back in the area and I can take my kids. It really doesn't get any better!
We took a little tour of the ski slopes just to set the mood. They were still making SNOW! As if we didn't have enough! Look at this. Imagine watching that snow blowing through the air as you stand in a frozen, 10' parking lot, wind whistling past your ears, so cold it makes your teeth hurt. Brrrr! :)
Then we went over to the sledding slope. It's really the golf course. :) We have VERY tough golfers around here! Very fit. This is one LOOONG and STEEP hill. Just to make it extra fun, you have to avoid the pine trees on one side, the RAMP some teenagers made on the right, and at the end, the DRAINAGE HOLE. OH YEAH! :) Challenges just make it more fun! :)
What I forgot was that as a teen, I used to take off my glasses before going down the hill. That became a problem.
Matt puts down our sled and we tuck ourselves in... and take off! WHOOOSH! Oh geeez! I forgot how FAST you go and how much SNOW hits you! Every time I tried to slow us down with my feet, I just made a HUGE FREEZING wall of snow hit the sled. I felt like I had ice cubes pelting me in the face! I think I had icicles dripping from my glasses. MY FACE WAS SO COLD!
However, it was worth it because at the very base of the hill (after we barely dodged the pine trees and the ramp AND the drainage hole), Matt leapt out of the sled and jumped up and down and said it was AWESOME. It made it all worth it. I smiled all the way back up the hill. Every. Last. Step. Up. That. White. Curtain. Of. Neverending. Snow.
Sledding in 10 degrees down the hill across the road from the ski slope... what WAS I thinking? The boys LOVED it, of course. But then, they don't wear glasses AND they had ski hats on that covered their faces. :) They went so far down the slope that they were just little black dots in the distance. Or, so it seemed. By that point my glasses were pretty coated in ice and visibility was a tad impaired. :)
Now, SOME of you may think that I mention Tim Tams a little too often. Summer most certainly does! :) (But in a good way). :) If you want a chuckle, read her husband's opinion on this here in the comment section.
But, today, I HAVE to mention them! The most FABULOUS THING happened! I was walking out the door to get in the van and go to the gym. I have to exercise so that I can afford to eat Tim Tams, after all!
As I turned to check the door, I noticed a PACKAGE. Wow! I sure wasn't expecting anything. I looked more closely. See the RETURN ADDRESS?
AUSTRALIA!!!! I started jumping up and down on the porch because Melanie at Write Stuff told me about this package and its contents. TIM TAMS! AUTHENTIC ones, from AUSTRALIA! (I may have to say AUSTRALIA a few more times because I think it is SO COOL!) :)
Dal, Hel & Bel (who must be awesomely cool themselves) sent this package! I don't even KNOW them! And they went all out! No surface delivery for this box. No way! AIR MAIL! OH MY GOSH! Who ARE these nice people?
So, after just enjoying having the box for a bit and thinking about its contents (it's all about anticipation, after all), I got out the scissors and opened the box from AUSTRALIA. :)
And, GOLD fell out!
Okay, maybe not. But, seriously, can YOU see the difference? Because I cannot.
I am drooling just LOOKING at that last picture!
(Excuse me for a moment while I blow the AUSTRALIAN TIM TAM cookie crumbs off of my keyboard).
Dal, Hel & Bel even added a nice note!
So, I think this qualifies as one of the NICEST DAYS EVER when it comes to AUSTRALIAN PACKAGE DELIVERY! :) Thanks for making my day! :) Thank you, Melanie! Thank you Dal, Hel, and Bel! You guys really didn't have to go so all out over Melanie's contest winnings. But, you sure did make me smile! :)
If you are wondering what in the world my quandary was, it was which Tim Tam cookie to try first! I -um- already took care of that little dilemma. See the dark chocolate choice? Oh YEAH! YUM! :)
(Later this evening...)
We've discovered the fun with Tim Tams just never ends! Even our CAT is enjoying the BOX that they came in! Do you think those packing peanuts took on the flavors of the Tim Tams they were packed with? Maybe I should put those away...)
The kids are FINALLY back to school today after what turned out to be an INCREDIBLE FIVE day break from school due to bad weather.
I have time to BLOG again! WOOO HOOOOO! :)
So much happened that I'll have to split up the blog entries, but just so you know these are on the way...(I haven't forgotten my bloggy buddies! Please don't forget me!) :)
1) COSI with 5 Bottomless Pits 2) Sledding Down the Hill of Death 3) Crushing those Horrid RAVENS! 4) My BF has found her trophy husband!
Have a great day! :) I really have to repair the HOUSE after 5 days of ignoring it and having a tremendous time with the kiddos!
Today was spent galavanting in Columbus. Our family had 2 of my son's friends with us (that makes 5 kids if you are counting). What a great day!
But, also exhausting!
So, now I am enjoying a cup of hot tea with a few Tim Tam cookies compliments of Melanie at Write Stuff (thanks, Melanie!!! You are awesome!) while I start book 2 of the Twilight series.
Does it get any better than this?
Of course, I start the book with great trepidation. I am not a particular fan of vampire books. But, I really liked the last one, despite reading the first half of the book with tears blurring my eyes. That's right. The FIRST half. Hopefully, I have more resistance to over-sentimentality with this one!
It's a balmy 8 degrees outside right now. Balmy!! It's going to get up to 10 degrees today and I just don't know how we are going to stand the heat!
I want to show you what can happen in this kind of cold...
See this? Notice anything, oh say, ODD about this key?
That's right. I put it in the lock on my front door, tried to turn it, and IT BROKE OFF IN THE LOCK! I couldn't believe it. Fortunately, I could still get in the house because it broke after I turned it once. WHEW! I would NOT have liked being trapped outside in these temps!
It's really rather neat how everyone is taking the low temps with a good attitude, though. One of my friends on Facebook was joking around about breaking out her bikini. I guess red, dripping noses, blue lips, numb toes, and shivers bring out the best in people! :) Who knew?
Shhhh! My little munchkin is sleeping on the couch. A big Golden Retriever has positioned herself on Sarah's feet (to keep them warm, I am sure... not because Peachie considers it her couch or anything like that...).
The FLU has come to town! Sarah is the first casualty.
I sure hope she feels better soon. I'm glad she's able to sleep. I just hate it when my kids get sick. I always wish I could be sick FOR them.
This reminds me of a little story about my youngest, Matt. When he was about 5, he caught the flu with the rest of us. But, he'd been watching me care for his sibs and knew just what to do.
So, he comes downstairs looking gray and wan. I worriedly say, "Oh honey! Are you sick?"
"Yes, Mom. But I took care of it."
"What?" (Remember, he is FIVE.)
"I put my blankets down the laundry chute and I rinsed out my bucket."
That's right. He felt miserable, but he wanted to CLEAN UP after himself so I wouldn't have to do it.
I just love how he surprises me with the most amazing things! And yes, I washed his blankies up right away so he'd have them for comfort asap.
I really hope that we manage to keep flu casualties to a minimum this time around.
I was on another blog a few weeks ago and discovered she was recommending singer Mindy Gledhill. Well, after listening to this song, I have to recommend her too! What a beautiful voice! Love the song!
"Mindy Gledhill's 'Falling and Flying' is a buoyant self-affirmation that only one’s failings can ultimately lead to triumph." - Melodic Sunburst
I really enjoy the sound of the song, but the lyrics are what really speak to me. Growing up in my family was a lot like working for NASA, "Failure is not an option." Seriously. I just bought my son a NASA shirt and that's what it says!
So, I was thinking about that and about the lengths I've gone in order to not fail and to maintain the approval of my family. It made me realize that the fear of failing has created a cage around me. So, I talked to my mom (took me awhile to work up to it). I admitted the failing I've tried to hide for so long. And, she understood! I felt the most amazing weight lift... and a sense of freedom. I don't need to be afraid of letting others see my failings (and there are way more than one!). Facing them and letting them go makes me feel free. Less trapped by that cage and strong enough to face whatever comes along.
I don't mean to imply that it was just this song that brought me to these realizations. I've been praying about my fear of failing for a long time. My family's disapproval has practically immobilized me in the past. Even the disapproval of a close friend makes me cringe inside. The biggest mistake I've ever made (so far!), was one I made because I couldn't cope with the disapproval of those around me. Growing past that, relying on my faith to see me through instead of people, is something I've struggled with my whole adult life.
I guess I've realized that for me, even though conforming, meeting the expectations of those around me, keeping up appearances, may seem to be a road to freedom, what really needs to happen is for me to be true to myself and the life God intends for me to lead.
So, here's the song. I hope it speaks to you as it did to me.
Falling and Flying Lyrics:
The rain drops falling on my face, invite my soul to take a taste, As thunder spreads its wings into the space above me. I tilt my head toward the sky, and laugh out loud as cars go by. It’s been so long since I have felt alive inside.
There’s a breeze that’s blowing past my door, and it’s bringing change like I have never known before. It used to be that when it rained it poured, but not anymore so give me more!
So hello queen and goodbye pawn, I’m gonna turn my cheek and shrug my shoulder, I’m gonna till I’m going gone,
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.
Have you seen the commercial for Kellogg's Mini-Wheats where they show the person eating them HOT? As in, heat up the milk and pour it over your bowl of cereal, rather than using cold milk.
Well, my first thought after seeing the commercial was, ICK.
BUT, I just got back from sliding around our icy neighborhood on the other end of 2 dog leashes and I decided this was just the morning to eat something WARM. Brrrr! It's freezing cold outside!!!
So, I poured my Mini-Wheats cereal.
I carefully warmed the milk to toasty warm but not too hot.
I poured milk over cereal, gathered up a spoon, placed myself in front of my computer, and dug in. At first, just holding the warm bowl was nice. Usually, I am regretting having cold cereal mid-winter just as soon as I've been holding it for a few minutes. Not today!
But, after a few mouthfuls, the cereal got extra soggy. So, I ate faster! Which, I must say, really cut into my typing speed!
And I found that I could barely finish the bowl. My favorite cereal and I had to make myself finish the bowl. I was disappointed.
I even checked to see if they make Mini-Wheats with chocolate frosting. After all, wouldn't that be like a cup of hot cocoa with some Mini-Wheats thrown in? Um.. on second thought... :) They don't make them anyway.
The same cookies that Melanie at Write Stuff blogged about. The same cookies that I made a special trip to Target to purchase.
Am I grateful that we managed to devour most of them BEFORE Champie made his move? OH YES! But, still, I MOURN THOSE LOST COOKIES.
The thing is that I KNOW better than to leave anything edible at collie nose level. I never do. I had these in a place Champie is not allowed to go... but I dashed out of the house today and forgot to close the door to the room holding the precious and delicious Tim Tams...
In his defense, he didn't single out the Tim Tams. He also helped his doggie partners in crime to finish off my York Peppermint Patties and some Hershey's Kisses. My entire chocolate stash. Which is doggie death and usually not accessible to them. I really messed up.
So, with a deep deep DEEP sense of sadness, I opened up my blog page. I clicked on my favorite blogs. And I discovered something that made me do a DANCE OF JOY! Because Melanie picked ME to be the recipient of her TIM TAM COOKIE PRIZE! I feel so HONORED! It was PERFECT timing! THANKS, MELANIE! You're the BEST!!! :)
Twenty-odd years ago I was falling apart. I'd somehow gotten myself on the wrong path and couldn't seem to find my way back to the right one. I felt lost. One person reached out and held my hand and helped me up... and I got back on the right path for a very long time.
And then, a couple of years ago, I started down the wrong path again. The same exact path that caused me such pain before, but this time compounded by grief.
So, I reached out. But there were no hands to cling to this time. So, I prayed. I prayed for a very long time. And eventually, a year later, the same hand that held my hand all those years before reached out to mine and held it. And I stopped crying every day and started to find strength again. Sometimes God knows just who to send, however unlikely the person may be. Or, how far away.
So, this song is for that friend. Thanks for letting me lean on you.
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted.
Today I was over at Write Stuff and discovered Melanie has a passion for Tim Tam cookies. Well! I had to investigate! Especially because her blog was so funny and she was obviously completely enamored of the things. What kind of cookie inspires that kind of passion?
Pepperidge Farm says, "We're certain Americans will soon understand why this scrumptious cookie is all the rage in Australia."
In a poll in the UK, Tim Tam's were rated the 4th best invention ever... behind the World Wide Web, penicillin and the TV remote! WOW! And to think all this time I've been happy with an Oreo!
COUPON FOR $1 OFF. A coupon for $1 off! Now, that is my kind of passion! :) So, I decided to find out yet more!
I even found out that they are named after the horse that won the 1958 Kentucky Derby!
Plus, there is a special way to eat them called the Tim Tam Slam. How much more fun can cookies possibly be?
First, the directions:
Now for the party:
Oh, I can't WAIT to go get some Tim Tam's at Target (since they are currently only at Target) this weekend!!! They are obviously more fun than sliced bread! And, more importantly, TRENDY, because OF COURSE we all need to eat trendy food, right? :)